Risk Analysis
In this day and age, there is a rising multitude of risks, both internal and external, that could affect the well-being, stability and growth of your business. With the introduction of new technologies and new ways of conducting business, along comes new and detrimental ways that your company could be put at risk. Whether it’s natural occurrences like starting your company in an area replete with earthquakes, tornadoes or tsunamis, or more high-tech threats like viruses, hackers or outdated and unstable hardware and software, we’re here to help you understand the risks that your company will most likely have to endure as well as help you manage and mitigate them.
Risk calculators are a great way of keeping an eye on your business and ensuring that you know what level of risk you are operating at wherever you are in your business lifecycle or wherever you are geographically. Our risk calculator gives you a structured view of your risk insights and metrics, in an easy-to-digest, intuitive dashboard that can be read by almost anyone in your company — not just your assessors or upper management.
We Work for You
We understand that not every business is the same, which is why we can customise your software in order to better fit your company’s necessities. If you’re dealing with very specific risks, we can help you adjust your assessment requirements so you are notified whenever you encounter a risk that you added to your radar. These controls will also be added to your overall risk calculator and will be included in any risk calculations going forward. What’s the point of having a risk calculator that doesn’t benefit your specific situation? The experts at Berry Oak understand, and we’re here to help.
- Maximum Safety
- Our software and our consultants can work hand-in-hand to make sure that you have all areas of your business covered and safeguarded from harm.
- Timely Notifications
- The cross-platform capabilities of our software help you receive notifications wherever you are, whether you’re using mobile, tablet or company computers.
- Easy Interfaces
- With simple interfaces, you’ll never have to worry about creating a graph or report again. Our data generators get you what you need in one click.